Some documents look much smaller in DTPO than they did in ON or EN, but they’re still readable. Nevertheless, as I said, the things clipped with ON look much better in DTPO than the things clipped with EN. Back in November when I imported from EN into DTPO I thought the clipped web pages looked really funky and discussed this here on the forum ( Problems with import from Evernote) and Christian said that it had to do with how EN exports.

The ON clippings look much better in DTPO than do those which were clipped with the EV web clipper.

(I had previously imported my EN notes into ON when I first started using ON). Web pages that I imported had been created both with the EN web clipper and the ON web clipper. I’ve only given it a cursory look so far but all in all it looks quite good, better than I expected. When I looked at my machine this morning, it was done and there were 49 folders (and many sub folders within those) with 1,698 items in DTPO. In fact I went to bed before it was done – there were still about 100 notes remaining to be imported. I had a total of 1,698 notes, the ones I had imported from ON into EN and some that were in EN.

A dialogue box opened and showed how many notes out of how many had been imported. Once everything was in EN I went to my Mac, opened DTPO and EN (the desktop version) and then in DTPO chose File -> Import -> Notes from EverNote.Īnd then DTPO just did its thing. There were a couple that, for some reason, bombed out and couldn’t be brought into EN, but a very, very few. This can be a kind of slow process depending on how many notebooks you have in ON because you can only do one at a time. The ON notes in that book are imported into EN. A dialogue box opens that has a drop down list of all your notebooks in ON and you select one and click OK. In EN I went to File -> Import -> Microsoft OneNote (that’s not available on the Mac which is why you have to use Windows).

On Windows I downloaded the Evernote and OneNote desktop apps, signed in and waited until EN and ON each synced on the Windows machine and I was able to see my stuff – I had a few things in EN but the vast bulk of what I wanted to get into DTPO was in ON (1,560 items). I happen to have access to one so that was no problem. IT WORKED! Actually it worked rather well! It did, however, require a Windows machine.