Does the maintenance exam cover also that one?Ī – I’m afraid that Platform Developers maintenance don’t cover 401 certifications, so you would have to do 2 exams per release. Q – I have Developer (401) certification. Do I have to do anything else? Assignment or any other test?Ī – No !! Since that moment you get your new credentials and you only need to do the maintenance exam as usual 3 times a year. "staticString" : "value for staticString" "transientString" : "value for transientString", "privateString" : "value for privateString" Global String string1 global String string2 This is an example I have created based on what I found during the exam) Having this piece of with sharing class static MyUserDefinedClass echoMyType(MyUserDefinedClass ic)

To be honest, you should get Platform Developer I and II guides and check what it is required for them and study the same. Salesforce deliver 3 releases a year, so you have 9 opportunities to do it per year.Ī – There is no guide to know what you need. The only thing that you need to take into account is that you cannot try it more than 3 times per release. This is a free exam and you can try to pass it as many times as you need. You can only see if you passed it or not.Ī – Yes !! So take care and prepare your place for the exam in advance.Ī – Good questions!! That also worried to me. As usual, we would get the Pass or Fail response. Read carefully and if you are not completely sure, mark to review it later and move to the next one.Ī – After submitting the exam. We have 30 minutes to answer 16 multi-choice questions, and we need to get 63% (11 questions) right to pass the exam. Maybe they can also help you.Ī – This is a test exam.

I decided to go for the combo Transition Exam, but lot of questions came to my mind. In order to do it we have different paths as you can see on below image:

However Salesforce also advices to us to move to the new one. I still can say that I got these certifications. So what could I do? Do I lose my credentials? No at all. However a year ago, Salesforce decided to modify certifications and 401 and 501 were not available anymore. I was able to get 401 and 501 credentials, so I decided to share some tips about them writing an entry some months ago. As a developer, I wanted to learn as much as possible and a good way to do it is getting any of the certifications that Salesforce offers to us.